Thursday, February 28, 2008

Surf City - Maui

O.k. in case you didn't see miss smarty-pants over on Riley's site the other day - you get one more chance to see me in the surf.

It's not exactly JAWS surf, but I am officially "up" on the water. Unlike, Jesus, I needed a surfboard- it was a miracle anyway!!!

Home from Maui - can't wait 'til next year! Highly recommend - The Royal Hawaiian Surfing Academy we're already signed up more lessons.


  1. Yahoo! Am I ever impressed! That looks so hard to do! Hope it was really fun, in addition to being a great accomplishment.

  2. Thanks, Wren! Great fun!

  3. you rock!!!! so delighted to have you here in paris with me :-) no surfing here, but the walking and food are divine...

  4. You bet! Already booked for next year's lesson:)
