Monday, January 31, 2011

More Words - Meaningful Intentions

What a nice response I received from a number of readers sharing THEIR 2011words. I won't attempt to share readers' full responses but please feel free to ponder others' words for yourself and/or continue to hold your own words in the forefront of your consciousness.  Simple words can impact subtly or dramatically impact your daily activities!  Maybe you'll want to try on some of these -


You may find that even words you would find puzzling as inspiration are out there in the universe to boost another to learn new habits, live in different ways, recognize inner strengths and raise expectations of one's own capabilities.  We're amazing creatures meant to share in the fullness of our own Creator's blessings.

Any words you want to add to the list? Maybe you've no need to share your words with anyone else  and the words will just reside in your brain or on the top of your desk for daily or occasional viewing:)
Remember, sharing sometimes magnifies the reality of a concept or word's relevance to being and doing.........
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1 comment:

  1. Okay, I've got my word. Impelled.

    I first noticed it when working with the Sisters of Providence As I remember, their motto is "The love of Christ impels us." Their website elaborates:"In everything that we do, the love of Christ impels us to respond to the cry of the poor and the vulnerable with concrete actions."

    I want to be impelled.
