Monday, February 14, 2011

Ordinary Days?

Beautiful orchids.Image via Wikipedia
In the scheme of momentous, expansive days in my life, last Thursday may not have been exceptional.  Yet, I've rolled the memories of the day about in my head quite a bit, reminding myself of how remarkable an ordinary day can be, if only we allow ourselves to be in the moments of the day and perhaps later reflect on the extraordinary influence in our lives of those ordinary days. 

It was a sunny day, remarkable in itself as the last few weeks have been very grey here in our valley.  Sunshine out, my day was one of errands of little import except to me.  Stop #1 was a beautiful orchid warehouse, where the sun was softened but not grayed through the greenhouse windows, the humidity just right, and the orchids bursting with color - it almost felt as though an orchid melody was prevailing! The greenhouse proprietor led me through expansive, hypnotic, blooming aisles pointing out variety and characteristics of those orchids I stopped to admire.  Together we selected a number of specimens (she warning and I wisely rejecting those that had to have very special humidity and every other day watering).  Under her deft handling of characteristics, color and composition, I was fortunate to carry a beautiful touch of creativity back into my home.   I reflected that the greenhouse did not exist in actuality when my spouse and I resettled our home in this small town - now it is an outlet to retail and private customers on and offline on a global basis.  A fine example of embracing one's passion and building a business on it!

Stop #2 was to pick up several garments that I've been thrilled to have altered into smaller versions of attire:)  Here I was welcomed warmly into the shop by Irma's smiling, precocious 4 year old  granddaughter who was "helping" her grandmother for the day.  Irma fetching my order all the while chatting with me as the 4 year old boldly clicked open the cash register in order to place my check inside the drawer......she allowed as how she knew how to work the machine on her own and gave me a very nice thank you as she stashed the cash.  This was all very unremarkable I suppose except that I marvel at the fact that the young grandmother apparently has a burgeoning business, confident in her skill, her entrepreneurship, and her tenacity to make it happen - all the while probably unknowingly influencing her granddaughter in a very positive manner!  

Stop #3 was a Stephen Ministry visit with a friend who needs a neutral ear to share life issues that feel way too heavy on her heart these days.  It was my honor to provide those ears and to be allowed into the depths of her heart and sorrow, not to advise or to fix but to just listen.  Again, though as I listened, I was quite certain that my friend was unaware of how remarkable I believe she is - in her stature as a woman, as an educator, an artist, and a beloved mother.

1, 2, 3 women's paths intersected mine in the day, entrepreneur, educator, artists, each competent in their fields, each setting an example for other women younger and older (I older than all three of them) in how to move through life the best way possible, how to set positive role models for those around them, how to succeed in spite of diverse circumstances, cultural differences, and age related issues.  Not mind-blowing stories of heroism, courage, triumph; just women in their everyday lives exhibiting competency, spirit, warmth and welcome......last Thursday was a humbling, remarkable day of heart expansion for me.  I bet someone touched you last week or even today in a similar way -  reflecting upon your day, I hope you can remember that other person or maybe even come to realize that you, in your own special way, made a difference to another person today.
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  1. Lovely post.

    How enchanting it must be to walk through an orchid greenhouse. The orchid in your image looks as if its center is a pearl.

  2. I love this reflection. I have always felt like part of what I'm here to do is shine light on the ordinary, see and draw attention to the holiness in it.

    I recently got myself an orchid after being assigned by the newspaper I write for to do a story about caring for houseplants. The woman I interviewed was a florist and she made me feel confident that I could indeed keep an orchid alive. I also read The Orchid Thief right after that, and loved it.

    It's great to hear about the success of this orchid warehouse, as one of the ideas I've been toying with for my land is to do a similar thing, except probably not with orchids, just other kinds of flowers. This was actually my daughter's idea, and we've been talking about how we could grow organic flowers in a greenhouse and sell them to local florists.

    Wow - was about to post this comment, then had to come back and let you know that "florsa" was my verification word!

  3. Maureen -

    The orchid greenhouse experience is so pleasing to one's senses - mine anyway. I found myself in our local little Eden after being enchanted by the National Orchid Gardens in Singapore.

    P.S. Have my own little copy of "Neruda's Memoirs" but have not yet "settled" into for a good read:) Congratulations, it looks like a wonderful compilation of your talent!!


  4. Hi Polli -

    You have so much going on in your life right now and I so appreciate your taking a look at MSieve and commenting.

    The everyday experience is so accessible to us isn't it, yet we often take those little contacts too lightly when they can mean so much more to our well being. Of course, I like that you agree with me on this:)

    I fell in love with orchids many years ago and hv found some of them are quite easy to grow, to ignore, to enjoy for months (as they continue to bloom) and then if they're just not matched to my surroundings, I feel that I've given them and they me a wonderful life experience.....often rather than pitching them, I place them in an unobserved window, occasionally think to water them and often, I am presented with another blossom. The secret is, I think, is just not to picture them as fragile as they seem. Good luck with yours and enjoy it.

    I do know that a whole greenhouse full of plants to care for might intimidate the heck out of me but for those called to that aspect of caring and entrepreneurship work amazing wonders for the rest of us to savor:)

    .....and your word? is "florsa"?

