Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tagged by Lucy for a "meme" performance - here goes nuthin'

1. Sunrise/Sunset - My blogger ID is Sunrise Sister. Oddly enough, if one were to view my blog at the moment, there is a beautiful sunset featured, rather than a sunrise. I do enjoy sunsets but the early, early a.m. has always been my favorite time of day. When I was a little girl, 7 years old, maybe, I used to tiptoe out on summer mornings, barefooted, before anyone else got up. I felt I was the only person in the world and loved the smell of the air, the grass, the sky – the sound of birds with no competition for singing space - the sunrise.

Also, as a child, probably 10, after spending a night at my grandparents’ farm - I would hear him, my grandpa, or I should say, hear the farm radio station on in the kitchen. As he went out to do the chores, I slipped out behind him trailing into the pasture at sunrise to check on the cows. I never thought he knew I was behind him, but of course, he did, he just let me follow in the quiet. Once more, the morning was just too good to pass up and the smells of an active farm in the a.m. were heavenly smells to me.

2. Featherbeds - night on the farm again - spending the night in a deep feather bed, with feather pillows and comforters all around sticks to my skin to this day. Give me a luxury hotel room full of down accessories and I feel more like royalty than farmhand…the same way I felt as a kid.

3. Brains – it took me a long time into adulthood to realize that I had a brain at all. Oh, I mean I knew how to run a household, birth a baby or two, hold down a job but brainy? It took a long time for me to realize that I had something of interest to offer the world around me…that people did value my opinion, my work ethic, my moral code, my intelligence.

4. Catalogues – I loathe the amount of paper, fuel, pollution, etc. that is caused by catalogues of every kind being placed in my mailbox,daily! I am alternately calling to delete my name from mail lists and attempting to find ways online to stop the flow of paper into our home. BUT, I tell you, secretly, I love catalogue shopping – arghhhhh – so against the joy of turning the pages, I am trying to eliminate catalog creep.

5. Hybrid Cars – We have two new hybrid vehicles in our garage. We get 40 mpg on one, 24 mpg in town on the other. If you’d have told me even two years ago that I would have swapped my Mercedes for a Highlander, I would have said you were nuts. Now, I’m the nutsy one feeling good about emitting just a few less omissions into the air. I’ve begun to consider toting my own reusable shopping bags to the grocery store……

6. Dogs – I'm crazy about them. I, at last, have a second dog once more. He is a one year old, West Highland Terrier, named Riley. I can’t explain how I feel about this little dog but he makes me very happy. He is happy, clown-like, energetic and loving. I hope there’s something to be said about the owner of this dog that is similar in nature to him.

7. Aging – I am and hope that I will continue to do so. But it is slightly alarming when I find my stamina is not what it was 5 years ago. Neither is my middle section! I exercise very regularly, watch what I eat, and challenge my brain at every turn – not because I’m so driven – but because I actually enjoy doing these things.....the eating, I would like to be able to have banana splits with the regularity I did when I was in my 30’s – but forget that – I plan to keep on aging well

Thank you for your attention:) Sunrise Sis


  1. i LOVE this!! thank you so much for posting. i thought about the farm lots yesterday as i was playing in the manure :-) even though my memories are few, i could conjure them up when i read yours.

    also, it would be fun for you to look at my post "sunrise" and take the quiz. it's quick and simple--see if you are more sunrise or sunset :-)

    much love, k

  2. ....and where does none find the sunrise vs sunset quiz?

  3. http://diamondsintheskywithlucy.blogspot.com/2007/03/what-time-of-day-am-i.html

    oops. not 'sunrise post,' rather 'what time of day am i?'

    have fun (and i'd love to hear your results :-)

  4. Sunrise Sister--

    I admit that I'm fumbling around with this blogging experience. You replied with a comment on my blog Azure...so do I reply to you here?

    I'm not sure what you mean that I 'archived' my pictures. I uploaded them, is that what people usually do?

    Thanks so much, I haven't had much comment. Mainly because few know it's there, which is ok. It's mainly a personal writing exercise. And I've hidden it pretty well.

    Sandy (azure)

  5. Hi Azure - You did it! Yeah, you replied just like a "real blogger" would. I'm laughing with you because I am very new to blogging also and I have to ask Lucy technical questions all of the time.

    When I said you "archived" them I meant that you had a whole list of new pictures on your sight and it was not apparent that you hand a "previous" batch until I hunted around a little bit....so I probably used the term archive incorrectly.

    I'm very inexperienced in this new media - blogging - so am just going with the flow as I learn stuff.

    Anyway, you've passed the officially past the test of replying to someone you do not know at all. Good job.

    I still need to comment re your pictures of the handsome young couple from WWII. It brought many memories to me of my own mother's boxes of unlabeled and mystery photos of her youth.

    Later. SS

  6. What a great list :) Ahh, feather and down quiltz - luvverly.

    I so wish I was a morning person. What a beautiful way to start the day.

    (Surfed on in from Lucy's)

  7. PS: I love dogs too but I'm one of those people who like their dogs big (If I had a penis I would be compensating, but I'm not sure what it is I love about big dogs - I guess just that you can throw yourself on them without killing them).

    Riley, however - well, how could that little boy not take over your heart. He's beautiful :)
