Saturday, June 23, 2007

Want to share with you a YOU TUBE video entitled - SHIFT HAPPENS. Visit the link on my blog page, right hand column. I find it a fascinating, informational video about intelligence, technology, and the world. It's short.

Also, for those of you, who along with me, are trying to eliminate poisons from our immediate home environment and "going greener" with our purchases, check out our Episcopal Diocesan Bishop's Wife Blog at That link is also listed in the right hand column of my home page. Gloria gives tips for home and garden, along with answering your questions about safe to use in the home products.

And, lastly, if you didn't catch our national Bishop's recent interview with Bill Moyers, visit (also a link on my page) and page down to her posting about "Powerful Women" there's a link imbedded there.

Have fun my friends. SS


  1. Visit today - Dianna's thoughts with links to favorite sites for environmentally friendly home and garden tips, church news, recently read books, interest.

  2. so excited about these posts. i visited gloria's and plan to spend more time there. unfortunately, your youtube link did not work :-(
