Thursday, January 17, 2008


Today I received my prize from the poem submittal drawing at Abbey of the Arts. Callings: Becoming Who You Already Are-the prize is filled with Christine’s beautiful photography, stamp carvings and paintings – a power-packed publication. I sat down immediately to devour it cover to cover. It now rests nearby for revisits.

I could go on and on about each page in this publication, but suffice it to say the references in this little journal will no doubt echo through my thoughts and writing for a good long while.

Referring to page 8, I chose Rumi’s quote that CHRISTINE had found and reproduced. It so immediately spoke to what has happened in my personal life since I began blogging in March 2007.

Begin a foolish project, such a foolish notion….what is blogging anyway….I wouldn’t know where to begin. It’s a big waste of time, isn’t it? Who blogs anyway – politicians, lobbyists, radio stations? Nudged on by my youngest sibling, I dipped my toe into the water and wouldn’t you know… I’m swimming!

I’ve written more posts than I would ever have imagined, I’ve actually written a few poems – totally foreign field to me – and today I bought some special glue to start a vision journal – oh, what is this world coming to?! Gasp!

I’ve received countless words of encouragement from fellow bloggers and in turn, I give that encouragement to those I meet – not false praise, but encouragement! I do have a creative being inside of me, it used to live on the outside of me and it’s beginning to do that again. Thank you Christine, thank you my precious youngest sib, my favorite geezer dude and his “anonymous better half”, my spouse, and my many blogger friends for taking the time to visit the Mind Sieve. Your encouragement means the world to me!



  1. Anonymous8:33 PM

    I am delighted that it arrived and that it has been meaningful for you already. Thanks for all of the kind and wonderful words, I am very grateful. I love your burgeoning "foolishness"! :-)

  2. yipppeeee!!!!! that's the best response i can think of right now. i can feel it down to my toes, beginning with the tears of joy in my eyes. this is so cooooooolllllll!!!

    the 'resident photographer' looked over my shoulder and asked if that is your picture?

    you predicted a great blogging week and you have definitely made it happen. can't wait to see some of the visual journal results. (my scanner has become my new best friend. do you have one yet????)

  3. Glad you liked the posts! Tell the resident photo guy that Morgan Nakatani took that from her position on the sled adventure in Stowe, VT. Kari said that experience was amazing. I'll shoot you some other pictures about it.

    Scanner is on the top of my list:)

  4. the sledding sounds great, but we were actually referring to the pencil photo :-)

  5. oh funny - It was a download that came on my MAC - I agree - great shot
