Saturday, January 19, 2008

I don't claim this as a great photo but clearly, I think, you can see what it is.....a bulb that, on January 18, has decided it's time to come up and take a look. I greet the little sprout and his sisters all around the yard as welcome sights and am quite willing to assume that spring will arrive early this year:) How's that for Spring Fever hallucinating!

Does the squirrel hear or rabbit feel the flutter....
the bird even notice as it searches for left over winter seed

Particle by particle, the sprout moves the dirt,
moving, awakening - too early to appear - too late to turn back

God's precious miracle hidden in a bulb - eager for the birth
Sometimes too soon, dying too young while only reaching for the light

Oh, I know I have some nerve calling this poetry but you are my audience - smile and clap - a little


  1. Oh definitely some smiling and clapping from over here!
    I love the way you capture the inexorability of the awakening - "particle by particle".
    I noticed this morning that the snowdrops and daffodils are making the upward journey in my garden.

  2. Thanks Tess. When my husband and I moved to the West Coast of the US, one of the reasons we did so was to escape the eastern winters. We usually manage a winter break and I recite to him the whole time we are gone (in a warm, sunny place) spring will be there when we return, spring will be there when we return....the bulbs usually cooperate with me.....not always the weather:)

  3. most definitely smiling and clapping!!!!!!!
