Thursday, May 08, 2008

All about tags today....

I've been tagged and since it's been a while, I'm "playing" - I'm not sure I can get anyone else on board the tag team today or not! Here are the rules:

1. Create a six word memoir
2. Post it on your site
3. Link it back to the tagger's site
4. Tag 5 other bloggers


Pretty much sums up where I am these days, although I must say I've had a miserable headache for three days now. Maybe I should ease up on the "stretch:)"

Be sure and check out Jennifer's, the tagger, site.

And 6 words from some of my favorite commenters, some sans sites - aw come on - play!

Geezer Dude
Anonymous (Marilyn)
Old Cactus Wren
Country Parson
Lucy - let's see something in creativity mode:)


  1. Unfortunately for those who ask me to "pass it on," the line usually stops.

    Am I a blogger? No, just a reader, critic, and one who sometimes comments. However, I feel honored to be asked to participate.

    (Geezer) D

  2. I agree with "pass it ons", lots of prayer, bad luck, and gloom must follow me because I just click delete when they're in an email.

    Having said that, I always find the 6 word thing a little fun and challenging - sort of like a jumble or haiku.

    Glad to see you anyway:))

  3. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Headaches play havoc with blog responses!


  4. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Ooo, those words go well with the title of your blog, which is telling!

    Thanks for playing :)

  5. reaching, stretching, growing---more than not...

    that's what comes to mind for me today...tomorrow could be something entirely different, because i am...

    reaching, stretching, growing :-)

    hey geezer dude...six words can fit easily into a comment space :-)

  6. OK, Lucy, you've pulled my chain hard enough to get a six word response that would fulfill the challenge - "No Alzheimer's yet - Keep on thinking." That will probably mean a something to a few of the Sister's readers. For those there is the special challenge to keep on reading, thinking, stretching, reaching, exercising, and growing.

    With love,

    The (Geezer) Dude

  7. Yeah, me too - geezer - you could have played just a little.

    Anonymous - M - thank you :)

    Headaches gone at last - culprit - dehydration brought on by flying, high protein diet, not enough water in TX, 3 nights of sleeping aid, oh, days of not feeling well do make good health a blessing!!!!!

    Glad to have Lucy back:)


  8. I'm with Geezer. I don't pass things on. But I'll give you my six:
    Two sides of life many adventures

  9. Hey - the six words from Geezer and CP are terrific. I know you guys aren't great on games but you came through beautifully!


  10. Here you are:
    new patients, books, gardening, anticipation, contentment

    Thanks for asking me to play. I've resisted this game because of the editing involved. :)

  11. In the spirit of the six word memoir, I'd like to share a six word summary that I heard today. As told to me, this was an answer to a challenge to summarize the Bible in six words. I don't know the source. The summary was, "I love you, don't mess up."

  12. Verrrrrryyyyy interesting Geezer. I think I receive that message loud and clear:)

    Thanks to everyone for playing and not worrying about getting blogged, whoops, bogged down in the details:)

    xoxoxo to all
