Monday, August 03, 2009


Constant motion from waking 'til sleeping
It must be tiring - ya' think - maybe not

Observers in awe of the energy are illuminated, exhausted just watching
Trying to keep up with the thinking, examining, exploring, mimicking, challenging, daring, defying

Conquering pesky weariness by continuing upright, though somnambulant
Vigorously denying fatigue, sleep, and certainly pajamas

Charming, darling, bright, maddening, exasperating
Extraordinary little creature

Creature, you ask - well, he had to have been created
There's no other descriptor appropriate

Thank God for this little four year old wonder
And for the capacity created in us to unquestionably love him

Constant motion from waking 'til sleeping
It must be tiring - ya' think - maybe not

P.S. Thank God for his precious big sister as well
A bride in waiting - or so she sings in the video:)

This short post was inspired by Henry Scott McMullin - age 4
July '09, Walla Walla, WA


  1. who's tired?!?!??!

    delightful window(s)into both of these precious lives!

  2. Very cute...thanks for posting this video. I must have been taking my 'power nap', which was definitely needed. Love - Sarah

  3. Oh Lucy - we were:))

    Sarah - the video was an experiment on my camera and I was surprised when I watch searching for a photo to find that the video taking had actually worked:)

