Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Charter for Compassion

Writing Without Paper is a site full of articulate thoughts, honest facts, beautiful images, and powerful inspiration. I found the imbedded YouTube presentation that is here today on that site and want to pass it along to you. It confirms my belief that the world can be a better place through true compassion and dialogue among peoples of all nations, religions and neighborhoods. This powerful piece was conceived by Karen Armstrong, one of three TED 2008 Award Winners. This is not a piece of political rhetoric, rather a beautifully crafted document and presentation in the name of peace - I hope you will take the time to watch it.

Not in any way do I discount my own religious belief that Jesus Christ's presence in the world as the Son of God could change the world if all would follow the commandments of "loving God and loving our neighbors as we love ourselves". But we Christians do not have a corner on how to view God in the world; therefore rather than beating each other into submission over our religious tenets, wouldn't it be nicer to talk to each other, to show honor and respect to each other and to this planet we call home? What do you think? Is it too naive a document? Could or would it make a difference if adopted by all nations?
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  1. Loved the post. Thanks for a beautiful video. I am passing it on.

  2. Glad you liked it - it's a good one to share.

  3. lump in my throat, tears on my face, fast beating heart...we ALL need compassion.

    whew. naive? no way! could it make a difference? absolutely!

    thank you for bringing this here. i have been "circling around it" on the web for a few days and am so glad i stopped to watch!!! xoxoox

  4. Lucy - me too. I think this is a wonderful message! Thanks for letting me know it sounded great to you also.

  5. I'm more or less going to repeat here the comment I left at Dan Gurney's blog, A Mindful Heart, where he too posted the charter.

    I don't think the charter is naive, I think it's right, and totally obviously so. And yet, it's so far from obvious for so many people. We've a long way to go, I suppose.

    And then, when I look into my own heart, I must admit, that while in principle I fully agree with compassionate living, in practice I often fail, in "little" ways, especially with those closest to me.

    Dan referred to Christians, Muslims, and Jews as "religious siblings," which puts it in the context of a family feud. This really hit home to me.
