Sunday, August 29, 2010

Soul Collage Sundays

Having been a practicing "Soul Collage" participant since Thanksgiving 2009, I've made about a dozen cards;  working in reflection with them usually immediately after a card is completed.  I've just come upon a new celebration of this simple method of image/meaning usefulness in my devotional life and used the recent card, here to the right, as a focusing object and reflection piece in my a.m. prayer time.  (This, BTW, is NOT a new concept - only a new practice for ME.  You can learn a lot more about "Soul Collage" by visiting the subject on the internet.)  I was introduced to "Soul Collage" by my sister who is a SC facilitator; in addition to occasionally using the arts in her mental health care counseling, she also holds Soul Collage events in her Seattle studio once a month.
At any rate - the prayer tool - the little card I've pictured here today was completed during a women's retreat last weekend and I've prayed with and reflected upon it several mornings this week.

Following is a short summary of one a.m.'s reflection - after a prayer and brief silent period - I asked
 the card - "Who are you?"

These were the responses that immediately came to my mind:

I am the one who prays, who praises, who searches
I am the one who gives thanks, who is patient, who reflects
I am the one who raises my voice in praise
I am the one who cries out in the wilderness
I am not alone, I am comforted, I am given assurance
I am given hope and consolation
I am the one who walks on a new and beautiful path;
- the one who walks in beauty toward a wide open door of possibility
I am not alone in this walk 

This may or may not make sense to you but in light of my recent feelings of aimlessness, abandonment, and malaise in my prayer life, this little card speaks volumes to me.  This is only a portion of what stirred in me during my prayers this week.  Thank you for reading and allowing me to share this gift.

Have you experienced "Soul Collage" at any time or is this a new medium of which you are unaware?  I would love to hear from you about the subject or about your experience in the process.

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