Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Metta - Meditation

Metta - loving kindness mediation as described at Wikipedia:

"The cultivation of loving-kindness is a popular form of meditation in Buddhism.  The practice begins with the meditator cultivating loving-kindness towards themselves, then their loved ones, friends, teachers, strangers, enemies, and finally towards all beings.  The practice is associated with a method whereby one breathes out ("sends") happiness and breathes in ("receives") suffering."

A few weeks ago I embarked upon a new experience for me – entering into a six hour workshop regarding and practicing silent meditation for a full day.  There I was along with 25 others, sitting and or kneeling in a way that I thought I could remain centered for at least one half hour at a time.  In other words, out of 6 hours, the group was silent for a full 5 hours in either sitting or walking meditation. Amazing is about all I can say - peaceful, centering, restful kindness - why should such a practice be so foreign to me?

"No" is the answer if you expect that I'm becoming a Buddhist.  "Yes" is the answer if you think that I believe that all meditation - Buddhist, Muslim, Christian - is a powerful tool in reaching that which is totally outside of ourselves yet surrounds us moment to moment of our entire breathing life.  "Yes" is the answer I give to wanting to give meditation at least 30 minutes a day.    "Yes" is the answer to committing to more effort in stillness and in connection with God.  "Maybe" is the reality of what may actually happen.


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