Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Grand Canyon, Mesa Verde, Edwards, CO - Roadtrip

Gone for a road trip - maybe some posting - maybe not......................................


  1. I just read your word pool poem over at L.L.'s and must say I love this little line:

    is promising more
    than just a digit dipped effort

    Traveling mercies, sister!

  2. is this your photo? are you already there?? either way...WOW!!!

    traveling mercies, x2!!!

  3. Hey Laura - thanks for your comment. I think I need to go back and take a look at the "digit dipped effort:)"

    L - not yet, I should have given credit to wikipedia:( It's a beauty though isn't it. We're not even there yet and the UT landscape is magnificent. We never expected the drive here would be so beautiful.

  4. Hi Sunrise Sister, Thanks so much for stopping in at my blog and following. I'm so excited to check out some of the other blogs that you are following. I saw that you had been to "Awakening" and I was so excited for you. Also, terribly excited to see some of the beautiful art that you created there! Wish that I could have been there to soak it all in with you. When I did "Awakening" the thing that I remember most is the laughter. We just laughed and laughed and laughed. It was such an exalted experience. Blessings on your continued journey into creativity. Love, Rebecca
