Monday, April 18, 2011

Holy Week, Monday - Little Lessons

The Cross of the Shepherd in Green PasturesImage by fradaveccs via Flickr

"We are all your blessed Body, 
and you have always loved me precisely in my unworthiness.  
How can I not do the same to others?"
Quote from Richard Rohr - Hope Against Darkness p.38

Reading the daily devotion from Richard Rohr, I was struck by the above sentence in relation to something I've been harboring "against myself" for the past week or in point - I desperately needed a parking place for a meeting (I happened to be running a little late) and as I searched  slowly, cautiously, a pickup truck roared up behind me, right on my tail - he tooapparently in a hurry.  Allowing myself to be pressured into stepping on the gas, I inadvertently pulled past a very open, vacant spot - which I noted in my rearview mirror was immediately taken by my pickup friend!  

I declared to myself quite loudly, I was alone in the car, just what I thought about this young fellow AND IMMEDIATELY thought, .........what was I thinking blurting out such a rude declaration?!!!  I'm supposed to be a child of God, the other driver the same - what made me blurt out that hatefulness, that uncalculated venom against a stranger?  Would I have said the same thing if another meeting member that I knew well had taken what I perceived as my parking spot?  I doubt it.  

That lesson hit me squarely, I mean I'm still thinking about it two weeks later - I'm praying that's the last time such rudeness regarding a stranger and their actions will pass from my lips or even through my mind.  If I can only treat strangers as friends, or neighbors as myself.....mmmmm, sounds familiar doesn't it? 

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