After a lively and most enjoyable July 4
evening shared with friends and family, what another treat this evening
to sit back with a cool breeze off the patio and delicious leftovers
from yesterday's feast...... small piece of chicken, green bean salad,
fresh raspberries and a dab of vanilla ice cream - yep - yum! How
blessed we are to count our blessings in this land of the free and home
of the brave! Would that ALL of us in America could, can and will share
the bounty of our times.
July 4 - though certainly not a
religious holiday does seem a logical time for prayer for our
politicians - global, national, and local - a prayer that we the voters
and those elected would and will use the good sense that we have been
given to care for all people, for all lands and all peoples. The
founding fathers only interested in their own special needs and without
real looooooong distance forethought set about a Declaration of
Independence that would be beneficial to at least the first citizens of
the "new" republic.......I'm not so sure they were at all concerned
about those who fell outside of the white, anglo-saxon, protestant
description but they did outdo themselves in a document that still
stands today as one worthy of reading.
Featured Collage - "Why Not Red?" -
A wonderful post. Thanks.